Ever wonder if there is Poison Ivy in your yard? Pictured here is a great example of Poison Ivy during its infancy. How come it's not green? From infancy to maturity, the leaf goes through some changes, including some seriously beautiful Autumn color. 85% of the population are allergic to the Urushiol oil on the plant. Mike is in the 85% :-).
Whatever stage the Poison Ivy is in, it's poisonous, even during Winter when there are no leaves. Pictured here is a great example of Poison Ivy as a juvenile. 15% of the population are immune to it. The Urushiol oil can stay on your clothing and tools for some time, so be sure to clean up properly if you think you've touched it. We carry a product called Tecnu with us at all times, in case of interaction with it; quick scrub and wash solution.